Human right was at the forefront of the Montreal Games after 22 African nations boycotted the Olympics because New Zealand was participating. 22个非洲国家因新西兰参赛而联合抵制奥运会,在此之后问题就处于了蒙特利尔奥运会的风口浪尖。
Ecuador however, rose to stand and defend the human right to seek asylum. 然而厄瓜多尔却挺身而出,维护了了我寻求庇护的权利。
Peter Gleick: Probably my biggest concern is that I believe very strongly that water is a human right. 皮特格莱克:我坚信喝水是人类的一项基本权利,这是我最关注的问题。
Ability to work as a human right to survival and development of fundamental rights, the core value is to create a people-oriented equity, equality and security concept of sustainable development. 劳动能力权作为人生存与发展的基本权利,其核心价值在于营造以人为本的公平、平等和安全的可持续发展理念。
Womens right and interest is one of the basic aspects of developments of human right, and the construction of legal system performs a guaranteeing function in it. 通过对我国妇女解放的“法治”建设历史和现状的分析,可以看出法制建设在新时代妇女解放中具有重要的保障作用。
We brought the political concept into the system of law no differently, that caused the logic confusion of legal concept and caused the destruction to human right recklessly. 对政治概念不加区分地法律化,引起概念逻辑的混乱,并导致了对权利的肆意破坏。
Home considered a human right in Libya, Monogamy by law. 以家庭为单位,每个家庭为一票投票权。法律规定一夫一妻制。
Discussion on the Contradiction Between "Presumption of Innocence" and "True Answer" On the Angle of Human Right 从权利的角度看无罪推定与如实回答义务之矛盾
The human right to water is indispensable for leading a life in human dignity. 人类对水是不可或缺的领导在人的尊严的生活。
Health is a human right and needs to be protected. 摘要健康是人类的基本权利。
Civil society is now moving rapidly towards an agenda based on broad health rights and social justice, embracing the human right to health as a focal point for innovative global health governance. 民间社会正加速制定以广泛的健康权和社会正义为基础的议程,将人类健康权作为全球卫生新颖管理的一项重点。
Now, how about the Chinese switch their diet to grass in order to avoid violating the human right of citizens of Western countries to eat meat? 等到草都不长的时候,中国人犯下的罪过,那可就是比吃肉还要深沉不知道多少倍。
Through the human right tireless pursuit of a harmonious society and the revelation in the first part, it exposed of contemporary China to build a harmonious society inevitability; 第一部分通过人类对和谐社会不倦追求的揭示,论述了当代中国构建和谐社会的必然性;
Generally speaking, it's a dilemma between human right and national security. 总体上讲,是关于职业道德(或公民权利)与国家安全孰重孰轻的问题。
Any trade that impinges on the issue of food security raises the related question of the basic human right to food. 任何贸易,影响到粮食安全问题引起的相关问题的人的基本食物权。
( computer science) the operation of reading or writing stored information. Literacy may not be an inalienable human right. (计算机科学)对存储的信息进行读写操作的过程。
Haven't talked in June, then listen to that the human right away, lightly hanged up a edge of mouth, wreathed in laughs questioned to," this you well big of intonation. " 六月还未说话,便听那马上的人,轻轻勾了着嘴角,笑咪咪的接了去,“这位兄台好大的口气。”
As a human right philosophy of life, full of truth and goodness of human nature is not just educators or philosophers think about. 作为一个人的正确人生哲学,焕发人性中的真与善不仅仅是教育家或哲学家思考的问题。
Indeed, outside of a few ultra-bourgeois districts of Oslo and Bergen, swearing in Norway is practically regarded as a human right. 的确,除了少数奥斯陆和卑尔根市的富人区,骂人实际上已经被挪威人看做了一种人权。
Objective To study the morphologic features of terminal crest and pectinate muscles in human right atrium and discuss their possible function. 目的观察和测量人右心房界嵴和梳状肌的形态和组织结构,以探讨其可能的功能。
But there are no distinct regulations about the most fundamental human right in our civil law. 但是,遗憾的是,对于这样一个最基本的人身权利,在我国民事立法中却没有加以规定。
As the important law regulation to adjust the property right and human right, the civil law regulations have the responsibility to adjust and regulate the position, right and duty of the natural individual. 作为调整财产权与人身权的重要法律法规,民事法律规范负有着对自然人地位、权利和义务进行规定和调整的重任。
The development of natural law is the history of human right idea. 自然法学发展史是一部人类权利观念的发展史。
The purpose and permanent of law reflect in Humanism is the supreme yardstick of apprising a law, human right is the fundamental form of existed law. 法对正义、平等和权利的追求体现着法的目的和归宿。人是法律评价的最高尺度,人的权利是法存在的最基本形式。
"gene determinism" may result in human right's damage; 基因决定论将导致对人类权利的侵犯;
The administration recuperation as a legal system serves to ensure human right protection and balance various interests. 行政补偿就是一种权利保障和利益平衡的法律制度。
The western social contract theory and the origin of the human right theory is the theory foundation. 西方的社会契约论和人类权力来源的思想都是政府诚信的理论根基。
Common individual freedoms are the human right that full security, the teacher is no exception. 普遍的个人自由权利乃是人人皆成其为人的充分的保障,教师也不例外。
Through law means to protect the human right to rest is to establish an important foundation for building a harmonious society. 通过法律手段保障我国劳动者的休息权是树立人本观念和建立和谐社会的重要基础。
The author believes that: First, the most basic human right to life. 笔者认为:第一,人最为基本的权利是生命的权利。
(law) any basic right or freedom to which all human beings are entitled and in whose exercise a government may not interfere (including rights to life and liberty as well as freedom of thought and expression and equality before the law)